
accents accident accurate addiction airports allusion alphabetizing anti-depressants art autechre Avis BEATS Benjamin binaries biological birds blood bodies boundaries bowflex bowie brainfeeder Brazil breaking addiction bricolage bye Canadians cats celebrity look-alike christianity. metaphysics cigarettes classical music clement greenberg cliche coincidence coldplay collage collective color creeps curating cycles dada daft punk daughters death depression Derrida descartes detroit dictionary discuss feelings disguise drama dreams eating el mundo elephants envelopes erotic ethics everything. explanation fashion fathers fear filters flesh flowers flying lotus food Francis Bacon freak friends fuck games Gertrude Stein ghosts girl cops girl talk goat God graduate school grammar guilt haiku Hegel history homage horror humor hymn hypocrisy ice icons indie rock indie rock is dead internet irony it jay-z jealousy John Manning kitsch kraftwerk language lcd soundsystem letters like lists literally writing love mac man ray Manchester meaning memory men metal milk monks moral schizophrenia names nashville nietzsche noise non-poems nonsense numbers objects of montreal painting Panamanians panties paradox patience personality disorder philosophy piano pills platonic forms poetry lessons prefix professional psychological trauma symptomatic of a broken space-time continuum punk puppy puzzles quotation recognition regret reincarnation remix repetition review riffz RJD2 Russians sacrifice sad sampling sex sisters sketch skull smoking solitude sounds space spelling splitting steel guitar stoicism stoned suicide syllables tag technology THE 80s the creative process the distressed The Field theology thesis time trembling twin ugly update voice voyeurism wolves women worms year of the rabbit

Sunday, November 1, 2009

BloodJetImprovTherapyBetterbetterbetter not do that anymore Fireplayer

a writing exercise i do in lieu of some self-destructive behavior. one take, one breath. no editing. begun in my new bloodred moleskin, thanks to the USPS and Amy E. Olson. Also I don't mean David Bowie. A cured caricature of myself. A false one.

Bowie is dead!
Bowie is the one who bled.
Borderless dread. Make certain,
take note, of the infinite stream of
infinite red.

Who was Bowie - a threat.
To what? To who?
To the only Truth left.

How did she die? Good question.
She was never alive. An apparition.
By words - abjection. Objection?
Effect follows cause?

Contradiction. Reflection. Oh-so-
certain the behavior of -ions. Oh
no. A Yoko? Not quite.

Any slight alteration of any slight
life and fate would have spared
her the blade of her knife.

3 footnotes:

Anonymous said...

Read aloud...it's harsh in my mouth (d's, and t's, (imagine teeth bared for the)tion's) until

Contradiction. Reflection. Oh-so-
certain the behavior of -ions. Oh
no. A Yoko? Not quite.

where these tion's are softened by o's spoken in the throat.

For the last, back to harsh t's, which draws me most to the soft tion grouping because it's different.

It makes me tired to read.

Kelley said...

good I want it to be painful. I entitled your moleskin "Speculations II: Verbal Blood." (My first Speculations is that spiral-blank book that makes an appearance from time to time to time to time...)))))..*..(((((i need this to relay some sort of exhaustion...especially considering the pragmatic end to which I direct this exercise.


btw-My manic hysteria of convulsive laughter and sobs of shame has since subsided. If you have never simultaneously felt rage and narcissistic happiness, I strongly discourage you to pursue the conditions that would bring this synthesis about.

Anonymous said...

Will keep btw in mind.

I have the same red moleskine, but mine is named Companion. A mash-up of to the half-hour daily scheduling, sketches of my least favorite peers and professors, haiku and most of the writings that end up on my blog.

Keep the words comin'. Much better than the alternative....create instead of take away.