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Sunday, January 16, 2011

master of theology

encountering the apophatic in Hegel, very persuaded by his hesitance to enumerate particulars of the Divine. the Spirit travels in a circuit, evidently. often objects are completing their own definitions, i.e. "thought thinking about itself."

all very interesting, my previous experience with Hegel detailed the aesthetic - or just Art - and Hegel understands it as the third most effective device to communicate the Absolute, only behind Religion and Philosophy, respectively.

this is very reassuring to me, for these are exactly the three areas to which i am most drawn. i anticipate socially-correct colleagues to point out that the supersessionist construction is not only inconsistent but dated, as Hegel seems to have privileged the Greek yet demoted the Jew. no matter.

christianity is not special in its metaphysics, it is arbitrary and game-like.

whenever i become frustrated with the thing i remember that it is being presented to me mostly in formulas, or in some colorful brochure committed to dispensing justice. i remember that as a refined narcissist, the world exists for me to enjoy.

the element of christianity i most enjoy is its portrayal in film and literature. to appreciate those modes one must accure a bit of experience though, but not religious experience, just the witness of an executed vision, a masterpiece unto itself without the amendments of a thousand tiny voices yelling pieces of splintered scripture as if the whole was always too much for them.


2 footnotes:

Anthony Fatta said...

Well, I would say that like 95% of Christian thought is supersessionist. So, I think it is important to take into account but, it is almost a non sequitur because EVERYBODY did it and a lot of people still do it today. Supersessionism is pretty present in some Christian art though...

kelley said...

Anthony, thanks very much for your comment. i don't really have any feelings about supersessionist modes of understanding christianity one way or another.

the most genuine and life-altering experiences of my life have not been during mass, in divinity school, or at the baptismal front. they have occurred while i have been alone, in my bedroom, listening to music, or watching a film, or reading a poem.

i am happy to have these experiences, but completely blind to the type of religion i receive exposure to at school.

perhaps you can point me in the direction of some christian art you think is supersessionist? i am very interested to see how your theology translates into the visual sphere.