
accents accident accurate addiction airports allusion alphabetizing anti-depressants art autechre Avis BEATS Benjamin binaries biological birds blood bodies boundaries bowflex bowie brainfeeder Brazil breaking addiction bricolage bye Canadians cats celebrity look-alike christianity. metaphysics cigarettes classical music clement greenberg cliche coincidence coldplay collage collective color creeps curating cycles dada daft punk daughters death depression Derrida descartes detroit dictionary discuss feelings disguise drama dreams eating el mundo elephants envelopes erotic ethics everything. explanation fashion fathers fear filters flesh flowers flying lotus food Francis Bacon freak friends fuck games Gertrude Stein ghosts girl cops girl talk goat God graduate school grammar guilt haiku Hegel history homage horror humor hymn hypocrisy ice icons indie rock indie rock is dead internet irony it jay-z jealousy John Manning kitsch kraftwerk language lcd soundsystem letters like lists literally writing love mac man ray Manchester meaning memory men metal milk monks moral schizophrenia names nashville nietzsche noise non-poems nonsense numbers objects of montreal painting Panamanians panties paradox patience personality disorder philosophy piano pills platonic forms poetry lessons prefix professional psychological trauma symptomatic of a broken space-time continuum punk puppy puzzles quotation recognition regret reincarnation remix repetition review riffz RJD2 Russians sacrifice sad sampling sex sisters sketch skull smoking solitude sounds space spelling splitting steel guitar stoicism stoned suicide syllables tag technology THE 80s the creative process the distressed The Field theology thesis time trembling twin ugly update voice voyeurism wolves women worms year of the rabbit

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

some interesting pieces I heard or saw or sometimes both today


1. Keri Hilson - Pretty Girl Rock

I hated this song when 101 the beat jam started playing it all the time earlier this year. Then I caught the first 12 seconds of the song, which reminded me of Depeche Mode. Warmed me up a bit, industrial sounding shit usually does. Delightfully surprised with the video - pretty basic decades-of-inspiration theme. Camera quality corresponds to its respective decade. Ending makes me want to puke though. Audibly...The chorus is the weakest element of the song. First two verses are fun though. Sucker for that repetition in the first line of the first two verses. All downhill from there.

2. Tyler, the Creator feat. Earl Sweatshirt - "Assmilk"

This is the sickest thing ever all year forever. I am in disbelief at how good these children are at virtually every aspect of their craft. Analogy: The Outkast that wasn't living their developmental years during the great happiness-stability facade that was the 1990s. And the internet.

3. Bibio - "Jealous of Roses"

Many options for a favorite part of this song. The natural effect of practicing audio-sample bricolage.

4. Daedelus - "Slowercase D"

I just got this album today. Some of it is a bit too joyous for my taste I am afraid. Slowercase D, however - sounds like people being pulled back and forth. Underground. Perhaps a sinister character is giving orders.


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